Saturday, August 03, 2024

Statement To Warwick Area School Board re ILC, 21 May 2024

Good evening. My name is Marian Shatto, and my topic is the danger of engaging with the Independence Law Center, relating to Agenda item 8, Approval of Additional Legal Counsel.

The ILC calls itself a “religious liberty law firm,” but the “liberty” they support is the exact opposite of our nation’s declared “liberty and justice for all.” Instead, the liberty they advocate is reserved for a small minority who are determined to impose their rigid, corrosive reading of Christian scripture on all the rest of us.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Statement to Warwick Area School Board 05-07-2024

 Following is the statement that I made to the Warwick Area School Board during the public comment portion of their meeting on May 7, 2024.

Good Evening. My name is Marian Shatto, and my topic is support for good libraries.  I have lived in Lititz since 1973. I own my home and gladly pay school taxes to support our public schools. My mother was a librarian and my father was a high school science teacher. They made sure that my sisters and I had ready access to a wide variety of books, both at home and in libraries. We learned about people, places, and ideas far beyond our little community, and that knowledge has served us well throughout our lives.